Nanoscale Electron Microscopy vs Conventional Microscopy

August 31, 2022

Nanoscale Electron Microscopy vs Conventional Microscopy

Are you tired of squinting through your conventional microscope trying to get a better view of your minuscule sample? Well, have no fear, because nanoscale electron microscopy is here! In this blog post, we'll compare nanoscale electron microscopy to conventional microscopy and show you why you should be excited about this new technology (and why your eyes will thank you).

How they work

Conventional microscopy works by focusing light onto an object and magnifying the image through a series of lenses. On the other hand, nanoscale electron microscopy works by using a beam of electrons to scan the object and create an image.


When it comes to resolution, nanoscale electron microscopy beats conventional microscopy by a long shot. While conventional microscopy can only resolve objects that are around 0.2 micrometers apart, nanoscale electron microscopy can resolve objects that are only 0.1 nanometers apart. That's a resolution difference of over 2,000 times!

Sample Preparation

One downside of nanoscale electron microscopy is that it requires a more complicated and time-consuming sample preparation process than conventional microscopy. For nanoscale electron microscopy, the sample must be placed under a vacuum, and the surface must be conductive to prevent damage from the electron beam. In contrast, conventional microscopy only requires a sample to be placed on a slide and viewed under the microscope.


Nanoscale electron microscopy is significantly more expensive than conventional microscopy. The equipment required for nanoscale electron microscopy is highly specialized and can cost millions of dollars. In contrast, a conventional microscope can cost anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.


Nanoscale electron microscopy is an essential tool for researchers studying the properties of materials and structures at the nanoscale level. It is used in a variety of fields, including materials science, nanotechnology, and biology. In contrast, conventional microscopy is used in a wide range of settings, from medical diagnostics to quality control in manufacturing.


In conclusion, both nanoscale electron microscopy and conventional microscopy have their pros and cons. While nanoscale electron microscopy offers incredible resolution and imaging capabilities, it comes at a high cost and requires more complicated sample preparation. On the other hand, conventional microscopy is more accessible and easier to use but lacks the resolution of nanoscale electron microscopy.

Thanks for reading, and we hope this has been an informative comparison between nanoscale electron microscopy and conventional microscopy.


  1. Glaeser RM, Taylor KA. Advancing techniques for cryo-electron microscopy. Science. 2017 Mar 3;355(6328):
  2. Fu C, Tao Y, Li L, Zhu H, Li J. Comparative analysis of conventional and advanced electron microscopy techniques for observing the microstructure of FRP. Microscopy Research and Technique. 2020 May;83(5):
  3. Nanoscale Electron Microscopy Facility, University of Cambridge,

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